12 November1891
Games - Status RARE:
Willem Siebenhaar vs Purnell 1-0, King's Gambit - Muzio Gambit
The Australian also has its Romantic era chess master. We found the name Siebenhaar, which strongly referred to Willem Siebenhaar who was chess activist reside in Western Australia in the 19th century. He played a club member identified as Purnell. The game was in Muzio gambit, although black was up the materials he done a grave mistake and lost. The moves given in the chess column was blurry (8..B-KB3 is hard to decipher), some moves are not understand by me but nevertheless I have constructed the game and looks ok.
The Daily News from Perth frequently reported chess in its sport section.
As Siebenhaar was giving odds of his b1-knight, shouldn't that piece be removed from the PGN player?